Birmingham Vineyard Church

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The Me I'm Meant To Be - Made Unique

This week Andrew talks about how God has made us unique, and encourages us to think about what we bring to the party. If you haven't already you can listen to it here.

Questions for personal reflection

Key Verses  - Hebrews 12:1, 2 Peter 1:3-12 1 Peter 4:10.

  • How comfortable am I appreciating and describing Gods handiwork in my life? (Does "my soul know it very well"? Ps 139)
  • What can Jesus bring into a situation because I'm present? What have people described to me in terms of my of character or skills?
  • What have I observed myself? What’s brought me joy and satisfaction?
  • With my strengths how can I move from raw to mature to empowered?
  • What people, resources, environments or experiences might I need to help me in that development? 
  • If you have authority… Who can I encourage this week? Say what you see. Both in the present and who that person is becoming.
  • Where is that encouragement most needed. My friendships or family, Church or work?


  • Daily examine - A way to pray and reflect from the Jesuit Christian tradition.
  • Flow -  Insight on what happens when high challenge meets high skills / strengths. Ted talk and a book summary.