What is baptism?

Baptism has been described as ‘an outward sign of an inward faith’. 

Faith is an invisible, intangible thing and needs to be expressed in action. We can show people what they cannot see; we can declare what they may not already have guessed, that our faith is in Jesus Christ. Baptism might also be called ‘The badge of discipleship’. Just as many people wear a badge to identify themselves with a certain movement, so we may look upon baptism as a way of showing people that we belong to Jesus Christ. It is a symbol of beginning the Christian life.

To find out more about preparing for baptism, please have a look at this helpful pdf:

Baptism at Birmingham Vineyard

Baptism at Birmingham Vineyard (Cantonese) 預備接受浸禮

If your child has expressed interest in being baptised, please read through our document on Child Baptism at Birmingham Vineyard: Child Baptism

We have the opportunity to get baptised a few times a year, let us know you’re interested and we’ll inform you as soon as the next date is confirmed

If you are interested in being baptised please fill out the form below and a member of our pastoral staff will contact you: