Birmingham Vineyard Church

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Day Two - Doing Life Well

SoulCare exercise: Spiritual GPS

Focus on your breathing, breathe slower and quiet your heart and thoughts. When you feel relaxed, focus on the last two weeks. Ask yourself; where have your thoughts gone? What have been your principle emotions? What have you noticed in your body i.e. stress in your body, any aches and pains? In the quiet what do you find yourself longing for? Jot down what comes to mind. As you look over your answers, ask yourself; what is the invitation of God to you right now? Write this down and pray this through.


Petition & Intercession: Doing life well

We believe we are called to be a centre of excellence in the areas of relationships, marriage, family and life skills, with capacity to serve our city one life at a time. We want to see God mend what’s broken and equip people to do life well.

  • Pray over anything you feel you are not doing well or that’s not giving you life at the moment
  • Pray for the education sector in our city and its key role in enabling future generations to do life well. Pray that classroom environments would be places of joy.
  • Pray for us a s a church, but also the church nationally, that we would be able to fulfil our mandate to enable people to do life well